The Activist Motivator

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What exactly does he stand for and does it make sense? I mean he is an educated man who has had a lot of time to refine his perspective. He also seems to be an honest man of principles. So what 'exactly' would a USA be with him as president? Would it just transfer federal government burdens to state governments? Would big business get away with murder since he dislikes regulation? Would it weaken US projection of power and Foreign Policy?

Why, Why Not?

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Would a future with Ron Paul as President mean a weakened US government? I can envision a private Fed vigorously promoting an international version of themselves and establishing international legislature for US corporations thereby removing the US government and American people out of the equation. Could they basically create their own tax-free jurisdiction.

Ron Paul would audit the Fed, reduce the military-industrial-complex or even dismantle both. Would his policies make our government strong or weak? Lean and mean or 10-lbs weakling?

No Cap-and-Trade, No Single-Payer Health-Care system or anything close.

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