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Good news worth repeating! Congrats to BPI winners Belgium & Canada whose companies are least likely to engage in bribery when doing business abroad.

As the effects of the financial crisis are being felt around the world, Transparency International’s 2008 Bribe Payers Index (BPI) exposes the degree to which companies of the leading exporting nations are likely to engage in bribery when doing business abroad.

The damage caused by supplying bribes, irregular payments and other types of influence buying is clear – distorted markets and social inequity. In spite of governments’ pledges of zero tolerance for foreign bribery and assurances of ethical behaviour and corporate social responsibility from companies, the 2008 BPI reveals that not one of the world’s most influential economies can be seen as being exempt from exporting international corruption. The 2008 BPI should serve as a call to governments and companies alike to observe and pursue anti-corruption measures with renewed vigour.

Bribe Payers Index 2008

The 2008 BPI ranks 22 of the world’s wealthiest and economically dominant countries by the likelihood of their firms to bribe abroad. It is based on the informed observations of 2,742 senior business executives from companies in 26 developed and developing countries, selected on the size of their imports and inflows of foreign direct investment.

"The combined global exports of goods and services and outflows of foreign direct investment of the 22 countries ranked in the 2008 BPI represented 75 percent of the world total in 2006."

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