The Activist Motivator

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June 2009 Blog Posts (3)

Americans Who've Used Canada's Health-Care System Respond to Current Big-Lie Media Campaign

The scare ads and op-ed pieces featuring Canadians telling us American how terrible their government health-care systems have arrived - predictably.

There's another, factual view - by those of us Americans who've lived in Canada and used their system.

My wife and I did for years, and we've been incensed by the lies we've heard back here in the U.S. about Canada's supposedly broken system.

It's not broken - and what's more, Canadians like and fiercely defend… Continue

Added by Cromag on June 14, 2009 at 1:41pm — No Comments

Making Failure an Option: Throw Citi Under the Bus

As long as failure is an option, these "too big to fail" corporations will continue gambling with taxpayers money, without giving taxpayers any premium. Letting one of them fail or enforcing punishments that fit the crimes may help deter future problems of this sort. JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, American Express, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street, Capital One, BB&T and U.S. Bancorp all said they will pay back TARP funds but, what about all the damage they did to the economy and the… Continue

Added by Cromag on June 11, 2009 at 2:38pm — 1 Comment

Is Obama Visit to France to Discuss a Formal Union of USA and the EU?

According to Streit Council for a Union of Democracies website, "Uniting democracies has been the key international political trend of the last hundred years Understanding this trend and enabling it to continue is the key to world political development"

June 7th, 2009

President Obama is currently visiting with French President Sarkozy. Could they be discussing the ideas in this PDF?… Continue

Added by Cromag on June 7, 2009 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

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