The Activist Motivator

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October 2009 Blog Posts (4)

→What is the West and Should We Defend it As-is?

When asked what he thought of Western civilization, Mahatma Gandhi said, “I think it would be a good idea.” Much of the world’s envy towards the West comes from the misdirection and fear projected from the West by its’ deeds. These deeds are influenced by a collection of shared human needs and values. Philippe Nemo, Professor of Philosophy and the History of Political Ideas at the European School of Management, in his penetrating book, What is the West, questions “whether certain values… Continue

Added by Ice Goldberg on October 22, 2009 at 2:17pm — 3 Comments

What is the West's Responsibility?

by Ice Goldberg

June 22nd, 2009

”In fifty years –a single lifetime– the earth has been more radically changed than by all previous generations of humanity” [1]. Taken lightly, total ecological devastation could effectively arrive this century in the form of climate change due to –putting it simply– the global mismanagement of resources. It may even be too late to mitigate if we cannot come to some consensus in short order.

Today’s scientific community has reached a… Continue

Added by Ice Goldberg on October 22, 2009 at 2:06pm — 3 Comments

Dale Maharidge Interview: Covering The Economic Pain Of Real Americans

Is today's media built for these times? Is it capable of covering the widespread economic downturn in a way that conveys the pain so many Americans are feeling to the country and the world? And can it be done in a way that doesn't feel like a view of devastation from 30,000 feet up in the air? For insight, we turned to a man who is built to cover this crisis, Pulitzer-Prize-winning author and Columbia School of Journalism professor… Continue

Added by Cromag on October 3, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

The Powell Memo and the Teaching Machines of Right-Wing Extremists

"the need for a new kind of debate, one that is not limited to isolated issues such as health care, but is more broad-based and fundamental, a debate about how power, inequality and money constrict the educational, economic and political conditions that make democracy possible"

Thursday 01 October 2009

by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Paul… Continue

Added by Cromag on October 2, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

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